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New Employee Spotlight: Máté

October 03, 2024
Laura GambellLaura GambellMarketing Director, Omnevo


I sat down with Máté, our new Account Manager at Omnevo to ask him about his first impressions in role.

With a passion for the skies ignited in his youth, Máté’s journey has been a whirlwind of travel, technology, and strategic partnerships. Having prior experience in roles at online travel agencies, digital agencies, and software development firms, he has honed his skills in managing airline relationships, navigating enterprise clients, and driving sales.

Now at Omnevo, Máté is thrilled to be working with airlines across Europe. His enthusiasm for the aviation industry is infectious, and his diverse background equips him to deliver exceptional value to our clients.

First Impressions of the Company Culture

What surprised you most about the company culture?

The flat hierarchy was a refreshing surprise. It creates an environment where ideas flow freely and decisions are made efficiently. This structure fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility at all levels.

The supportive atmosphere also stood out. In my first two months, colleagues consistently went out of their way to ensure I had the resources and knowledge to succeed.

How does the reality of the company culture compare to your expectations from the interview process?

Here's a truth bomb: I came in skeptical. Some past jobs had made me wary of the whole "our culture is great" spiel. But Omnevo? They walked the talk from day one.From day one, it was clear: this wasn't a bait-and-switch. The support, the flexibility, the genuine enthusiasm – it was all real.

Learning the ropes

What was the onboarding process like?

My first week was a whirlwind of excitement, meeting colleagues at both our HQ in Wiesbaden, Germany, and our development office in Tangier, Morocco. Eager to hit the ground running, I dove headfirst into our products, determined to unravel their complexities. I had eye-opening sessions with various domain experts that set my head spinning – in the best way possible.

From week two onwards, I settled into my remote work groove, continuing the learning sessions virtually. By the end of my first month, I was already getting my feet wet with the day-to-day operations of one of our airline clients.

Now, two full months in, I still feel like I'm drinking from a firehose of information. But I've already built up enough product and process knowledge to support our customers confidently.

How did you go about learning the processes and systems in your new role?

Initially, I felt like I was trying to swallow the ocean. The sheer volume of information about our systems was overwhelming. Luckily, my colleagues were my lifeline, always ready to clarify my blind spots and help me grasp both our POS payment application and the comprehensive back-office system.

The documentation and guides created by our team were also invaluable, allowing me to dive deeper into the processes and systems at my own pace.

But as with most things in life, practice makes perfect. As soon as I started working with clients, everything started clicking into place much faster.

Initial Challenges

What were the biggest challenges you faced in your first month?
While my background in digital product development and aviation gave me a solid foundation, onboard retail and its associated logistics were uncharted territory. 

Understanding how this world ticks in daily practice was my Everest. I had a bird's-eye view of the travel commerce industry landscape, but zooming in on how airlines, catering companies, and tech providers like us operate day-to-day was a whole new ball game.

But that's precisely why I chose Omnevo – to dive into this fascinating sphere that I believe is crucial to the future of air travel.

Adapting to a new work environment

How have you adapted to the new hybrid/remote work environment?

Remote work is my jam, so adapting to Omnevo’s flexible model was smooth. It allows for a global talent pool and promotes work-life balance. Working for a Germany-based company from my home office in Hungary? This still fascinates my mother. But let's be real for a second. Working from home isn't about pajamas and freedom. When your commute is measured in meters rather than kilometers, it's dangerously easy to become one with your house while your smartwatch is begging you for signs of life.

That's why I've become a devotee of church of daily routines and rituals. Daily morning and lunch walks have become my holy pilgrimage. The gym and swimming pool, my temple of iron. Anything to remind my body that it's not, in fact, evolving into a new species of sedentary human.

And while I love my home, I still crave face time with colleagues. Those reunions are reminders that behind every work chat message and email is a real human being, complete with jokes and fascinating summer stories.

What tips would you give others transitioning to a similar work environment?

First tip:Establish a clear daily routine and rituals. Treat your workday like a mullet – business in the front, party in the back. Set clear boundaries so work time is work time and play time is play time. 

Second:Move. And I don't just mean from the bed to the desk. Your body isn't designed to be a permanent desk accessory. It's not a paperweight, no matter how much your cat might disagree.

Finally: Choose your employer like you're choosing a life partner. Because in a way, you are. In the right environment, you won't be constantly looking over your shoulder, wondering if your boss thinks you're secretly training for a competitive napping championship. At Omnevo, trust isn't a rare commodity – it's the air we breathe.

Company Values and Mission

How aligned do you feel with the company’s mission and values after your first month?

From week one, I felt it. I saw that our mission and values weren’t just fancy words on a wall – they were the invisible threads connecting everything we do.

Seeing the passion and dedication of all people, I know that we're not just pushing products. We're reimagining the 30,000-foot shopping experience, making it worthy of the 21st century traveler.

And the best part is that it feels like we are just at the beginning. The discussion with Michael and Kian made me confident that Omnevo is here for the long haul. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll equip spaceships for lunar vacations. After all, Moon travelers will need foods and drinks too.

Looking ahead

What are your goals for the next few months at the company?
First, I want to level up my account manager game, enhancing some of our processes and account management magic. Second, I’m aiming to welcome new airlines to the Omnevo family with the enthusiasm of a golden retriever greeting its owner after a five-minute absence. And third, I want to sprinkle some of my aviation and sales enthusiasm across other teams because I love going out of the box – especially if that helps the company grow further.

What are you looking forward to as you continue to grow in your role?
I'm itching to help Omnevo soar to new heights. To reach a point where we need a whole squadron of account managers. Picture it: a team so large they need their own air traffic control to manage all the awesomeness.
Because here's the truth: We're not just selling software. We're reimagining how people shop at 30,000 feet. We're turning that dead time between takeoff and landing into a retail wonderland. And that? That's a journey I want to be on for the long haul. First class all the way!

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